

The Centre submitted its report to the European Committee of Social Rights

We have submitted our alternative report on the implementation of the European Social Charter (Revised) to the European Committee of Social Rights. This year, the Committee is addressing the cost-of-living crisis and will provide a general overview of the situation and some recommendations.



2024 State of Rule of Law Report

As part of a joint initiative of the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI), we prepared a report on the state of the rule of law in Slovakia for the previous year, which ENNHRI submits to the European Commission within the framework of the European Rule of Law Mechanism as a joint report of all national human rights institutions in the EU Member States.



Strong and effective NHRIs in the EU

As part of the project Supporting National Human Rights Institutions in Monitoring Fundamental Rights and Human Rights Aspects of the Rule of  Law ("Project"),  the Centre participated on international conference on strengthening the implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights through stronger and more effective NHRIs in the EU.


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Our work

As a part of our free legal aid services, we provide legal aid to victims of discrimination and represent parties in proceedings cocerning violations of the principle of equal treatment. We issue expert opinions and conduct independent investigations upon request of natural or legal persons, as well as on our own initiative. We also offer other services such as mediation and monitoring and participation at the legislative procedure.

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Hlavná 68
040 01 Košice
Stránkové hodiny
Pondelok9:00 - 12:0013:00 - 14:30
Utorok9:00 - 12:0013:00 - 14:30
Streda9:00 - 12:0013:00 - 14:30
Štvrtok9:00 - 12:0013:00 - 14:30
Piatok9:00 - 12:0013:00 - 14:30
\r\n\r\nStránkové hodiny pre osobné návštevy kancelárie sú dočasne zrušené s účinnosťou od 16.02.2023. Kontaktovať nás môžete:\r\n

Within our mandate, we monitor and assess observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms. We publish our findings in regular reports, specifically the Report on the Observance of Human Rights, including the principle of equal treatment, in alternative reports as well as in opinions and submitted to the United Nations or other stakeholders.

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Hlavná 68
040 01 Košice
Stránkové hodiny
Pondelok9:00 - 12:0013:00 - 14:30
Utorok9:00 - 12:0013:00 - 14:30
Streda9:00 - 12:0013:00 - 14:30
Štvrtok9:00 - 12:0013:00 - 14:30
Piatok9:00 - 12:0013:00 - 14:30
\r\n\r\nStránkové hodiny pre osobné návštevy kancelárie sú dočasne zrušené s účinnosťou od 16.02.2023. Kontaktovať nás môžete:\r\n
Hlavná 68
040 01 Košice
Stránkové hodiny
Pondelok9:00 - 12:0013:00 - 14:30
Utorok9:00 - 12:0013:00 - 14:30
Streda9:00 - 12:0013:00 - 14:30
Štvrtok9:00 - 12:0013:00 - 14:30
Piatok9:00 - 12:0013:00 - 14:30
\r\n\r\nStránkové hodiny pre osobné návštevy kancelárie sú dočasne zrušené s účinnosťou od 16.02.2023. Kontaktovať nás môžete:\r\n