Our team

PhDr. Silvia Porubänová
Executive Director

Silvia Porubänová studied Sociology at the Faculty of Arts of the Comenius University in Bratislava. She is in charge of all work at the Centre, including professional activities in their entirety, as well as personnel, fiscal and internal matters of the institution. Her favorite human rights issues include equal opportunities, gender equality and the Agenda 2030.

Jana Bubničová
Assistant to the Executive Director
0918 479 089

Jana Bubničová obtained a degree from the Secondary Vocational School of Commerce and Business. She provides organisational, technical and administrative support to the Centre and assists the Executive Director.

JUDr. Michal Cenkner, PhD.
Deputy Executive Director
02/208 501 21

Michal Cenkner graduated with a third degree in civil law at the Faculty of Law of the Comenius University in Bratislava. Within the extent of the Centre’s statutory mandate, he assures efficiency in the supply of legal services to the clients.

Mgr. Kamila Černáková
Digital Content Specialist

Kamila Černáková obtained her Master’s degree in Aesthetics from the Faculty of Arts of the Comenius University in Bratislava. After graduation, she worked in a library, where she learnt the fundamentals of marketing and editing while interacting with customers. She has been with the Centre since 2018 and is in charge of administering the website, social media, as well as creating graphics for brochures and other publications. She works with colleagues to create campaigns and communicate the importance of protecting and respecting human rights.

Mgr. Barbora Daňková
02/208 501 26

Barbora Daňková graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Comenius University in Bratislava, where she earned her Master’s degree. She is in charge of handling complaints, providing legal support to victims of discrimination, preparing expert opinions and conducting independent investigations in cases involving non-compliance with the principle of equal treatment at the Centre. Her favorite topics are economic and social justice.

Mgr. Katarína Deáková, PhD.
02/321 118 30

Katarína Deáková obtained her doctoral degree in Sociology at the Faculty of Arts of the Comenius University in Bratislava and the Institute of Sociology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. She also graduated from the Pedagogical Faculty of the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra. As a member of the Center’s research team, she works on analytical and research tasks focused on human rights compliance in Slovakia. Her favourite human rights issues are the right to education and the right to freedom of speech.

Mgr. Tomáš Földes
02/208 501 23

Tomáš Földes received his Master’s degree in Law at the Faculty of Law of the Comenius University in Bratislava, as well as a Master’s degree in Education from the Comenius University in Bratislava, with a specialization in the pedagogy of the emotionally and socially disturbed persons. He is now a lecturer at the Centre, where he is in charge of raising awareness and education on human rights and the principle of equal treatment across Slovakia. He plans and contributes to the development of the Centre’s training techniques for professionals, children and youth. Currently, he represents the Centre in a number of working groups and committees within the Government’s advisory organisations. He has been working in the field of human rights for about 17 years, 15 of which at the Centre, and thus admires human rights in all its complexities. The principles of equality, inalienability, non-derogability, non-retroactivity, inalienability, and inalienability of human rights are vital to him.

Marian Filčík
Head of International Relations, Monitoring and Reporting Department

He graduated from the Faculty of Law at Comenius University in Bratislava. He is responsible for monitoring the observance of human rights, with his main topics including non-discrimination, violence against women, and the human rights of LGBTI people.

Mgr. Michal Horváth

Michal Horváth graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Trnava. He is in charge of managing the lecturers and coordinating training activities. Mobbing, workplace bullying, bossing, non-discrimination, extremism, safety in the use of social networks and cyberbullying are among the areas of human rights in which he is most involved.

Lýdia Konôpková

Lýdia Konôpková obtained her degree in general economics from the Business Academy in Bratislava. She is in charge of the Centre’s finances, budget and payroll.

Mgr. Lucia Lacika, M.A
Human Rights Officer

She received her Master’s degree in European Studies from Masaryk University in Brno, which she followed with a second Master’s degree in Human Rights from Central European University in Budapest. She is responsible for Center´s  activities related to external relations, monitoring compliance with human rights and fundamental freedoms, monitoring the compliance of national laws and policies with international human rights standards, cooperation and communication with key international organizations and stakeholder at national and international level. Her favorite human rights topics include human rights defenders, civil society and participation and human rights and sport.

JUDr. Andrea Maliňáková
055/230 41 21
0918 370 003

Andrea Maliňáková studied Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trnava. At the Centre, she works as a lawyer and she is committed to the protection of the vulnerable. Andrea is in charge of giving legal advice to clients.

Mgr. Anna Máriássyová
02/321 118 30

Anna Máriássyová graduated in geography from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Comenius University in Bratislava. She is in charge of research in the field of human rights. The right to human dignity is one of her favorite issues.

Mgr. Marian Mesároš
02/208 501 21

Marian Mesároš graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Comenius University in Bratislava. Marian is in charge of handling complaints concerning discrimination and the respect for fundamental rights and freedoms. His favorite human rights issues include socio-economic rights, particularly the right to work and the right to an education.

Mgr. Anna Nádaždyová, PhD.
Head of Education
02/208 501 23

She completed her law studies at the Faculty of Law of the Comenius University in Bratislava. At the Centre, she is responsible for coordinating educational activities.

Mgr. Edina Némethová
Human Rights Officer
02/208 501 15

She received her degree at the Faculty of Law of the Comenius University. At the Centre, she is responsible for ensuring activities in the field of the Center’s external relations and monitoring the observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms, monitoring the fulfillment of international conventions in the field of human rights and reporting for international organizations. Her favourite topics are challenges to the Rule of Law and freedom of expression.

Úradník pre ľudské práva

JUDr. Miroslava Novodomcová
0918 370 002

In 2010, Miroslava Novodomcová graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of Trnava. She is in charge of providing legal advice to clients, delivering human rights training to children and adults, and representing the Centre in the Comittee for Gender Equality. Her favorite human rights issue is non-discrimination.

Jakub Popík E.MA
PR specialist
0918 370 007

Jakub Popík studied European Studies at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences of the Comenius University in Bratislava before completing his Bachelor’s degree at the Faculty of Law of the Comenius University in Bratislava. He was admitted to the postgraduate Master’s degree at the Inter-University Centre in Venice, which he finished in 2016 with the E.MA – European Master of Human Rights and Democratization. At the Centre, he is primarily responsible for the dramaturgy, production and technical preparation of the podcast NoPráve, as well as drafting of press releases, media statements, social media content and online content. He is also in charge of liaising with key players from civil society, media, and education, as well as “scouting” for news about discrimination and human rights breaches. His favorite topics are freedom of expression, extremism, and religious freedom, as well as harm reduction, systematic racism and access to education.

Mgr. Michaela Ujházyová PhD.
Head of Research

Michaela Ujházyová obtained her doctoral degree in systematic philosophy from the Department of Philosophy and History of Philosophy at the Faculty of Arts Comenius of the University in Bratislava. She works as a researcher and is in charge of human rights research. She believes it is critical to focus on the fulfilment of obligations in the area of economic and social rights, as well as, in the context of the climate crisis, on environmental rights and the impact of climate change on people who have limited options for adapting their way of life and ensuring their comfort, i.e. low-income households.

Mgr. Radka Vicenová PhD.
02/321 118 30

Radka Vicenová completed her doctoral studies at the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts at the Comenius University in Bratislava. As a member of Center´s analytical team, she works on analytical and research tasks focused on compliance with human rights in Slovakia. Her research focus is predominantly on right-wing extremism, radicalization, securitization and hate speech.

Mgr. Zuzana Vlčeková
0918 479 091

Zuzana Vlčeková obtained the Law and Legal science degree from the Charles University in Prague. She is in charge of providing legal aid to victims of prejudice and conducting independent investigations of discrimination. Her favorite areas of human rights are those that protect the vulnerable.