The ratification of all international and regional human rights instruments

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Status requiring significant improvement
Status requiring moderate improvement
Compliant status

Slovakia did not yet meet the benchmar of ratification of all international and regional human rights instruments. Although slovakia ratified or accepted the majority of key international instruments, the acceptance of regional human rights treaties requires significant improvement.

The state of ratification of international and regional human rights instruments

By 2021, Slovakia had ratified 33 out of 54 regional human rights instruments at the Council of Europe level. Moreover, by 2021, Slovakia had signed 6 Council of Europe human rights instruments. 15 human rights instruments at the Council of Europe level remain still open for signature and acceptance.

Concerning the international human rights instruments, by 2021, Slovakia accepted 11 out of 13 international human rights instruments at the United Nations level. However, by 2021, Slovakia signed, but did not yet ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Moreover, The 1990 International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families remain still open at the United Nations level.

The level of protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms guaranteed by a State also depends on the willingness of the State to fulfill its obligations under the international and regional human rights protection system. The goal is to have ratified all international and regional human rights instruments. However, out of 67 international and regional human rights treaties, Slovakia ratified only 44, which remains way below the set benchmark.