Roundtable with stakeholders on national level – presentation of the results and recommendations

Hotel LOFT, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

13th December 2023 at 13:00 – 16:00,

Participants: 27 in-person, 2 online

Short report

SNCHR presented research findings and opened discussion about possible joint action at the event Sexual Harassment in the Health Sector – presentation of the results and round table with stakeholders.  We have invited all of 40 workplaces which collaborated at the research and other stakeholders such as trade unions in health care and social services, professional organizations of nurses and doctors, labour inspectorates and others.

As the collection of data was supported by the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic, we have invited representatives of the Ministry as well. Also, we have encouraged the Ministry to take an active role at the event and to express their position for future collaboration. We are delighted to share the information, that the Ministry (in spite of the fact of changed political representation) accepted our proposal and the event was opened by the minister of health, Ms. Zuzana Dolinková, who has expressed the aim to continue in cooperation with SNCHR followed by the opening remarks of SNCHR executive director, Silvia Porubänová who expressed our gratitude to the ongoing support of the Ministry and declared our willingness to provide our expertise in our joint efforts.  After opening remarks, Ms. Michaela Ujházyová and Zuzana Juščáková presented the methodology of the research and the main findings, Ms. Veronika Michelčíková introduced the legal framework relevant for discussion about the employers’ obligations and recommendations of SNCHR.

The second part of the event was held in the form of discussion. Discussion was opened by Ms. Monika Jankechová, the chief of education in health sector at the Ministry of Health of SR who presented the proposed actions which could be taken by the Ministry together with the health care organizations. Proposed actions included centralized measures to increase implementation of preventive mechanisms at the workplace, education of employees and management of organizations.

Presentation was followed by discussion which included shared experiences and challenges by representatives of health care facilities, e.g. difficulties to apply sanction mechanisms against perpetrator or that the personnel is afraid to report their individual cases.

During discussion National Labour inspectorate of SR expressed that they do not feel competent to investigate cases of sexual harassment and SNCHR proposed to assist in education and implementation of preventive measures at workplaces or to provide legal consultations (e.g. in relation to internal sanction mechanisms or safe reporting mechanisms).

The round table was concluded by declaration of closer collaboration with the Ministry on systemic level and with individual health care facilities present at the event. SNCHR offered to present the results and discuss the measures at events organized by and for health care sector professionals to increase awareness and facilitate discussion about sexual harassment.